Bandhs Must Stop: Chidambaram
Home Minister urges parties to "lay down a road map for consultations", but bandhs must stop and people must be allowed to carry on with their day-to-day lives
Hyderabad | 5th January 2010
A press release of Chidambaram's opening statement of the all-party meet, held today in New Delhi to discuss the Telangana issue, sparked off agitations outside North Block in New Delhi. Some leaders (of both sides - Telangana and united AP)expressed disappointment at the result of the talks, saying there was no clarity on the actual issue. There was also some violence between supporters of the 2 camps.
Home Minister Chidambaram, who chaired the meet, said the agenda of the meeting is to "deliberate on the mechanism and lay down a road map for the consultations". He urged political parties to show goodwill and accommodation and help the central government find a solution.
The Union Home Minister asserted that law and order must be maintained in the state of Andhra Pradesh and that people must be allowed to go on with their day-to-day activities. Chidambaram said that it is in the interest of all sections of the people of Andhra Pradesh that peace and harmony prevail while consultations take place.
He also said "there are forces waiting on the wings, who ridicule parliamentary form of democracy and who would be happy if we collectively fail to find answers to the issues that concern us and we should not give any room for these forces to gain strength or credence."
On December 9th 2009 after Chidambaram said the process of separate statehood for Telangana would be initiated, the state broke into violent uproar. December 23rd 2009 saw another statement by the Centre, saying that wide-ranging consultations were now needed on Telangana after the situation in AP altered post-Dec 9.
There are reports that President’s Rule might be initiated in the state.
filed in: P Chidambaram, Centre, Telangana All-Party Meet, Centre Statement On Telangana, Telangana