Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka today announced that he would take full responsibility for the implementation of an SC-ST sub-plan in letter and spirit, and reiterated that there was no question of going back on it.
He made this announcement while was speaking at the valedictory of the training camp for the adivasi (tribals) representatives organised at Nagarjuna Sagar.
Vikramarka recalled that when he was the Chief Whip he had held a meeting of Congress MLAs on the sub-plan and had given a report to the high command urging them to implement it strictly. The sub-plan legislation was then approved and passed when he was the Deputy Speaker, he said.
"I was associated with the legislation right from the initial days, and have a complete understanding of the Act. Now as the Deputy CM and Finance Minister, I have full responsibility to implement the Act," he said.
Bhatti said that he had already convened meetings with the secretaries of all departments and sought reports on the implementation of the sub-plan and allocation of funds as per the plan. "The R&B and Panchayat Raj department officials have already submitted the reports, and reports will be submitted by other departments soon. A comprehensive review meeting will be held soon with all the departments on the sub-plan implementation," he said.
"It is the responsibility of our government to give 10% funds under the SC-ST sub-plan. The ITDAs will be revived and the necessary budget will be allocated, and training will be be given to the unemployed to enable them to take up self-employment," he claimed.