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TSRTC Wins Five National Bus Transport Excellence Awards

The TSRTC has been given the awards in the categories of urban transport, road safety, energy efficiency management, staff welfare and use of technology.
Hyderabad | 2nd March 2024
The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has won national level awards.

It has received five of the prestigious National Bus Transport Excellence Awards given annually by the Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTU), a central public sector undertaking, for 2022-23.

The TSRTC has been given the awards in the categories of urban transport, road safety, energy efficiency management, staff welfare and use of technology.

The TSRTC bagged the first prize in road safety, first prize in the fuel efficiency management mofussil category, and the second prize in the urban category.

It also won the first prize in the category of staff welfare and production, and first prize for better service to passengers through technology.

The ASRTU announced that the awards would be presented to the TSRTC officials in New Delhi on the 15th of this month.

State Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar expressed happiness over the development. He said that the awards were given to the corporation because of the commitment, dedication and discipline of its staff, and congratulated the TSRTC officials and staff who worked hard to make it happen.

V C Sajjanar, MD of the TSRTC, said that the TSRTC had become a role model for the country in the public transport system by winning the awards. He said that the awards were a symbol of the efforts of the officers and staff for the development of the corporation, and to provide better and higher quality services to passengers.
filed in:  Telangana, TSRTC, Buses, Transport, Awards
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