As many as 29 members of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha, who are also members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour, will visit Hyderabad on a study tour on Saturday.
As per the schedule, the committee members will arrive at Hyderabad from Vishakhapatnam on Saturday, 7:20pm.
At 8:30pm, they will have an informal discussion with the officials of SBH on deployment of contract/casual workers/sanitation workers for renovations around the city, and at 9:30pm, they will interact with the representatives of MVF (an NGO) on the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012.
On July 29, at 9:00am, the Committee will interact with the representatives of trade unions of casual/contract workers of the Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited. The interaction session will be followed by discussions with the officials of the Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited.
The committee members will leave for Tirupathi on the same day at 12:40pm. (INN)
filed in:Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Vishakapatnam, Civic Issues, Urban Issues