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Chinna Reddy Appointed As Telangana Planning Board Vice-Chairman

Former minister G Chinna Reddy has been appointed as the Vice-Chairman of the Telangana State Planning Board.
Hyderabad | 24th February 2024
Former minister G Chinna Reddy has been appointed as the Vice-Chairman of the Telangana State Planning Board.

Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari on Saturday issued orders in this regard.

Reddy will be in the post, which has the rank of Cabinet Minister, with immediate effect.

Reddy was elected as the MLA of the Wanaparthy Assembly constituency in the 1989, 1999, 2004 and 2014 elections.

Between 2007 and 2009, he had also served as the minister for rural development in Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy's government in the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.

In the recent Assembly elections, Reddy once again aspired for the Wanaparthy Congress ticket, but later withdrew his decision to contest the election with the Congress opting to give the ticket to Tudi Megha Reddy, who was eventually elected as the MLA by defeating BRS candidate and former minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy.
filed in:  Telangana, G Chinna Reddy, Telangana Congress, Nominated Posts, Planning Commission
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