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Rs 358 Crore Diwali Bonus For Singareni Workers

40,000 workers will receive Rs 93,750 each as part of this bonus.
Hyderabad | 24th October 2024
The State government today announced a Diwali bonus of Rs 358 crore for the Singareni Collieries workers, under the Production Linked Reward Scheme (PLRS).

This is Rs 50 crore more than last year.

This initiative aligns with the practices under the Joint Bipartite Committee for the Coal Industry (JBCCI) policies, where bonuses are linked to the production levels achieved by the company.

The bonus will benefit approximately 40,000 workers employed by the collieries, each of whom will receive Rs 93,750. The amounts will be deposited into their accounts by this afternoon.

The payout comes just in time for Diwali, following a directive from the Deputy Chief Minister to ensure timely disbursement. Singareni CMD N Balaram has been instructed to ensure proper arrangements for the bonus distribution.

In addition to the Diwali bonus, the workers recently received other financial incentives, including a 33% profit-sharing amounting to Rs 796 crore. The workers received an average of Rs 1.9 lakh per head from this profit-sharing scheme, while the outsourced staff received Rs 5,000 each. An additional Rs 25,000 per worker was also paid as a festive advance, bringing the total disbursements to approximately Rs 1,250 crore within just one month.

Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka urged the workers to save the bonus money wisely, using it for family needs or investing in government savings schemes, rather than spending it frivolously.
filed in:  Telangana, Singareni Coal Mines, Diwali, Government Employees
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