The vigorous efforts of the forest department officials to turn the Hyderabad Rashtrapathi Nilayam (the President's winter guesthouse at Bollarum in Secunderabad) green earned many accolades from citizens of the city.
It is a customary practice for the Nilayam to be kept open for the general public at the beginning of the year, and after the facelift given to the prestigious edifice through the greenery, over 10,000 people including school children visited it on New Year day alone and enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere.
According to the Nilayam officials, President Ram Nath Kovind, who spent his winter stay in the structure recently, had advised them to take up a green drive in the guesthouse and keep it clean, salubrious and tidy. Accordingly, the forest officials planted thousands of saplings, and also developed a rock garden and a butterfly park.
The Nilayam will remain open for the public till January 6, and visitors can spend a few hours looking around.
filed in:Environment, Rashtrapati Nilayam, Tree Plantation Drive