Pressure is mounting on Assembly Speaker Nandendla Manohar, with Jagan-supporters within the Congress also pressing for their disqualification as they have openly defied the party whip and voted in favour of the recent No Confidence Motion.
Meanwhile, the complaint lodged by Congress Legislature Party (CLP), to take action against the erring legislators, is pending with the Speaker.
Now, the same group, against which action is pending, met the Speaker in a delegation, and asked him to expedite the issue and pave the way for by-elections.
Narsapuram MLA Mudunuri Prasada Raju, who led the 12-member delegation, told reporters on Monday that the leaders asked the Speaker to dispose of their disqualifications issue at the earliest.
Prasada Raju said that the Speaker responded to them positively and assured that a decision would be taken by 31 December.
Some of the legislators who could not make it to meet the Speaker today will send in their written statement by 29 December, he said.
"We have voted in favour of the no trust motion as the government has totally failed to address the farmers' issues, and is adopting anti-farmer policies," he said.
The legislators, earlier, held a meeting in the party office before meeting the Speaker.
With the Congress and the rebels appealing for the same cause, it remains to be seen how the Speaker will handle the issue, which will clearly have electoral consequences. (INN)