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Cricket Fans Flocking To Uppal Stadium For Indian-England Test

In the nine Tests held in Hyderabad, never have more than 20,000 fans come to the stadium. However, this time fans are flocking like in IPL matches.
Hyderabad | 27th January 2024
Cricket fans and Hyderabadis have been enjoying the first India-England test match at the Uppal ground in huge numbers for three days now.

At a time when the popularity of traditional Test cricket is decreasing, fans are flocking to the test match held under the auspices of the Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) like never before.

In the nine Tests hosted by Hyderabad, never have more than 20,000 fans come to the stadium, according to the HCA. However, this time fans are flocking to the test like in IPL matches.

About 24,000 people came to the stadium for the first day of the game, 30,886 people on the second and 30,598 people on the third.

To enhance footfalls the HCA has provided free entry to government and aided school students, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, and the stadium has been getting crowded due to these steps and also due to the widepsread publicity to the match.

HCA president Jaganmohan Rao himself inspected all the stands in the ground to ensure that fans coming to the stadium did not face any problems. In one instance, when he came to know that samosas were being sold at a high price, he was warned the vendor and sent him out.
filed in:  Sports & Adventure, Cricket, Hyderabad Cricket Association, Test Match
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