On Monday afternoon, L Sarala, an Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police of the Women's Police Station (WPS) in Saroornagar, was caught when she demanded and accepted a bribe of Rs 5,000 through a T Narasimha, a Head Constable in the same police station.
The money was taken from the complainant Yanamala Ramu, a Home Guard in the Kanchanbagh Police Station, to delete his name in a case registered against him in the WPS.
The tainted amount of Rs 5,000 in an envelope was recovered from the possession of Narasimha and verified.
The two officers were charged with performing their duty improperly and dishonestly, and were arrested and produced before the Principal Special Judge for SPE and ACB Cases Court at Nampally.
The ACB Director General called upon the public to contact the toll-free phone number 1064 if they ever encountered any demand for a bribe by any public servant.
filed in:Crime, Hyderabad Crime, Corruption, Arrests, Anti-Corruption Bureau