As expected, the reaction by all opposition parties in the state over the
hike in the prices of fuel has been swift and sure.
Activists of all the opposition parties in the state took to the streets and protested over the 'anti common man' decision of the government. The activists adopted innovative forms of protests, from cooking food on the road to riding bullock carts.
At Begumpet, Telugu Desam Party workers turned the road in front of the Chief Rationing Officer's building into a makeshift kitchen, and cooked food there. The protest was led by former Hyderabad Mayor Teegala Krishna Reddy.
TDP activists who weren't busy with the cooking continued to shout slogans against the government, even as the food was being prepared.
They condemned the centre's decision to increase prices of petrol, diesel, kerosene and cooking gas, and demanded a rollback with immediate effect.
Meanwhile, Praja Rajyam Party chief K Chiranjeevi tried his hands at steering a bullock cart with the steering-wheel of a lorry. He was leading a protest of his own in Vijayawada.
Chiranjeevi's bullock cart ride went on for some distance, after which he turned it into an impromptu padayatra from Tummalapally auditorium to the Sub-Collector's office.
The PRP chief demanded that the government bear the burden of increased prices by providing subsidies with the money it gains as sales tax. He reminded the government that the PRP was supporting it, but that this support was issue-based.
He told his party activists that the PRP will put pressure on state and central government to roll back the hike.
Meanwhile, CPI state secretary K Narayana got caught in the 'heat' of the moment, when a spark fell on his leg during a protest at Lenin Centre in Vijayawada. The CPI activists were burning an effigy of the Centre as protest of the price hike when the spark landed on his feet, injuring him slightly.
Narayana was given first aid, but not before he criticised the deregulation of petrol.
The state unit of the BJP, too, joined the list of protestors by setting an effigy of the UPA government on fire at Tirupati.
Leading the protestors, BJP leader Bandaru Dattatreya said that this was the 13th time that the UPA had raised prices of fuel since it came to power. He said that a huge burden was being imposed on the middle class by the Rs. 35 rise in LPG price.
Courtesy: INN News