The Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE) on Wednesday released the schedule for the various Telangana Common Entrance Tests for 2025 (TG CETs 2025) for admissions into professional courses for the academic year 2025-26 in Telangana.
Prof V Balakista Reddy, Chairman of the TGCHE, announced the following dates for conduct of the tests, which will all be Computer Based Tests (CBTs).
TG EAPCET: April 29 & 30 (Agriculture & Pharmacy), May 2 to 5 (Engineering) TG ECET: May 12 TG EdCET: June 1 TG LAWCET (for 3-year and 5-year LLB): June 6 TG ICET (for MBA & MCA): June 8 and 9 TG PGECET: June 16 to 19 TG PECET: June 11 to 14
The detailed notification containing the schedule, eligibility to apply, registration fee payable etc will be announced by the concerned CET conveners in due course of time.