Want to contact the Justice Srikrishna Committee examining the request for Telangana? The Committee is now seeking the opinions of political parties, organizations, individuals & groups on the vexed issue, and its contact details, including email, telephone numbers and address, have been given out as below. You can do the following to reach them:
1. Write to vkduggal.ccsap@mha.gov.in
2. Send snail mail to the following address:
Member Secretary
Room No. 248
Vignan Bhavan Annexe
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi
3. Call at the following numbers:
Your communication must reach the committee by April 10, 2010. vinodkumar.duggal@yahoo.in is an alternate email you can try.
The public notice of the committee will appear on February 20, 2010, and V K Duggal, a member, is expected to tour AP on 23rd and 24th on February to seek various opinions.
filed in:Telangana Committee, Justice B N Srikrishna, Telangana
SIR OUR TELANGANA PEOPLE ANEBLE TO POST A COMMENTS Because OF UN- EDUCATION kabatti nenu meetho mora pettukunedi okkate maa thelangana makkavali. telangana kosam jaruguthunna maa vidyarthula balidhanalu prapancha charithralo bahusha oka lakyam kosam marana vngmula raasi chani povadam ide modati sari anukuntanu. telangana kosam em cheyyalo teliyaka yedo okati cheyyalane kasitho chesu kuntunna athmahtyalivi udyamama challabadindani samaikya vadulanna prathi sandarbamlo vidyarthula balidhanalu jaruguthunnai maku mee committee meeda nammakam undi kaani maa telangana vadula akankshalu mee varaku cheracha leka pothunnam daniki karanam chadu lekapovadam, net vadaleru letar lu wraya leru. kaani maa telangana jillalo gatha 90 rojuluga jaruguthunna udyamalanu chudabdi kanksha entha balamga undo telusthundi kabatti maa telangana makivvandi.
Krishna Kanthon 24th Mar 2010, 12:07pm | Permalink
Telengana Districts people are Economically backward compare to Andhra Districts people. Telengana Lands are dry lands and Andhra lands are Delta lands so they become Economically strong Telengana people cannot give competition with Andhra people in all Categories like jobs , Politically ,Business In Hyderabad Major Richest persons are from Andhra Telengana people are working as servants and Drivers for Andhra people this is only example will know the difference between both region I request you Pls judge for separate Telengana state
J.Aaron,Gunturon 20th Mar 2010, 4:37pm | Permalink
Respected Sri Krishna Committe, Honourable Sir,
.I beg to submit the following few lines for your kind consideration. 1. Telangana agatation is mainly created by political leader sri KCR garu and his followers only, which is a created one. Kindly examine all the factors indetail.
2. Because of the thertons made by telangana political leaders, so many times and keeping quite for some times, Telangana area is getting much more benefit for so many years. Every time it is process for the leaders bringing the source Telangana issue and getting benefits. If it is continued like this, in future also the same thing will continue again and again. Hence kindly set right the things in yours honours control without any future agaitations like this
OUR BELOVED LATE YSR EX CM devided our technological university into three univestrities i.e.,JNTUH, JNTUK,JNTUA, LIKWISE we want three or two states same reason here too aplicatble for similar reasons, we want telanagana
We got Andhra Pradesh, Because of the struggle of Mr. Potti Sriramulu, Now the Selfish Politicians (Like KCR......) are breaking this United A.P. into pieces for their personal benefits. As an indian,it is our minium responsibility to support for United Andhra Pradesh. i am supporting for United A.P & hope whole A.P people are with me.
Thanks for giving me this oppertunity.
B Gopala Krishnaon 19th Mar 2010, 12:25pm | Permalink
Dear Sir
Please keep Andhra Pradesh United
Un employed politicians always keep raising the unnecessary issues to make their existance. There are many backward places in Coastal ares and in Rayalaseema also much worst than Telangana where there is drinking water also. telangana is not alone backward. we unitedly develope the AP. Do not seperate Tlangana from AP
we are all telugu people for ever we will be in andra only KCR need telangana he says dont sing Maateluguthalliki Mallepoodanda song in andra afte some time he may say dont sing janaganamana&vandeeMataram after some time may ask for telangana separate country becoz he is a Taguboothu
Hi,we are all telugu people.we speak telugu since our birth we are all on the base of teluguthalli.It is only a political leaders desires only making to die innocent students.if kcr really want to help telangana people ask him to fight being in ap politics then it will be gud for telangana people.being in ap speaking telugu he says dont sing Maateluguthalli Mallepoodanda song in schools.after few more years he may say dont sing janganamana you all sing only telangana becz we are not getting telanganaa so please dont break our teluguthalli's wings in to
challagurumurtyon 19th Mar 2010, 10:22am | Permalink
dear sir ,i am murty from KUWAIT there is so many backward like srikakulam areas in all over andhrapradesh.Some political leaders are rising this unnecessary issue to getting chance for CM for Telangana like TRS chief. they are all leading people and students in the wrong way. they are not leaders, they are killers of the students. Huge people are not interested for telengana state in Telengana also. Unemployed political leaders of telegana is raising this issue.If your committee is will decide to separate this state please check all districts in the Andhrapradesh. Don t go on the leaders of political parties. they are always lie.please keep andhra pradesh only one state forever, even dont think in dream for sepeation.