The Telangana Overseas Manpower Company Limited (TOMCOM), a registered recruitment agency under the Department of Labour, Employment, Training and Factories, Government of Telangana, is organizing a special program to train eligible people in the German language to enable them get placed as staff nurses in Germany.
Candidates in the age group of 22 to 38 years, with a B. Sc. Nursing or GNM and with a minimum of one year of clinical experience are eligible to apply for this program.
The selected candidates will be trained in German up to the B2 level, and the training will be provided both through the online and offline modes. On successful completion of the training, the candidates will be placed in the hospitals in Germany as staff nurses with a salary of Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 3 lakh per month.
TOMCOM is currently conducting interviews for the selection of the candidates to be trained. For more information, and registration to attend the interviews, please contact the numbers 6302292450, 7901290580 or 6302322257.