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Srikrishna T-Committee - Email, Phone

Want to contact the Justice Srikrishna Telangana Committee examining the request for dividing Andhra Pradesh? Here's how.
Hyderabad | 19th February 2010
Want to contact the Justice Srikrishna Committee examining the request for Telangana? The Committee is now seeking the opinions of political parties, organizations, individuals & groups on the vexed issue, and its contact details, including email, telephone numbers and address, have been given out as below. You can do the following to reach them:

1. Write to vkduggal.ccsap@mha.gov.in

2. Send snail mail to the following address:

Member Secretary
Room No. 248
Vignan Bhavan Annexe
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi

3. Call at the following numbers:


Your communication must reach the committee by April 10, 2010. vinodkumar.duggal@yahoo.in is an alternate email you can try.

The public notice of the committee will appear on February 20, 2010, and V K Duggal, a member, is expected to tour AP on 23rd and 24th on February to seek various opinions.
filed in:  Telangana Committee, Justice B N Srikrishna, Telangana
91 - 100 OF 100 COMMENTS  |  FIRST  |  PREVIOUS
manchy mata on 1st Mar 2010, 8:33am | Permalink
వై.స్.కు ముందే తెలంగాణా వాద ముందన్నది వట్టి మాట .
ఇప్పుడు తెలంగాణా ప్రభంజన ముందన్నది అక్కడి ప్రజల మాట .
చిదంబరం గారి ప్రకటనే దీనికి కారణమన్నది అసలు మాట .
సమర్ధ నాయకత్వ లోపమే దీనికి కారణమన్నది ఉన్న మాట .
-- మంచి మాట.
goutham.nagella on 27th Feb 2010, 2:18pm | Permalink
hi , i too point out some points which ae their in my mind, i think it will helpful .
1). Up to yr 2003 their is only a less development in Telangana ,
2). after 2004 elections their is a development in those areas
3) The senior political leaders who is talking about seperate telangana, they are ruling the state for last 30 yrs,
4) If they really want the development in their areas they will workhard for development
5) The senior leaders in TDP, Congress, PRP, BJP they ruled the state for yrs, but their is no development not only in telangana but complete state.
6) I ll ask for telangana students and people, if they bring the seperate state definately the senior leaders fight for become the CM post
7) according to democracy we[ people] elect the leader for the development, but ill ask
u in the same democracy is their any power for people to remove their leadership???
8) we elect the a person to solve our common needs if the same person
9). they are spoiling the students life and their education, boycotting the colleges, schools,
10). because of these stikes the prices and charges are rised,

I request the committee to go each and every place and should take the decisions from people belongs to all catagiries

1) from students -high school level, in Telg, andhra, rayalseema
2) from employees
3) even we should ask for house wifes
4) business people
5) common man and unemployed people

if they cover these catagiries, then they can decide whether it is requires or not

plz dont take the scrips and mails from political leaders from all the regions

I request the leaders to realize their mistake and should start the development in the state, espically under developing places.

i am a student , according to me all the regions are important, as a citizen i luv all the regions.

Sadanandarao.V on 27th Feb 2010, 1:42am | Permalink
Democracy is for the people,by the people......And after all it is concerned with numbers. That is of majority of people whose wishes and aspirations are alone to be respected and acted upon. Is the present agitation or demand for a seperate Telangana justified and has the backing of the people from the region. Even the exercise of the Government to count the citizens through the periodical census fails to cover 100% of people residing in a particular constituency and a bare minimum of them go to cast their vote.The 'winning' candidate enters the Assembly or the Loksabha with a mandate from a small fraction of the people from the constituency.Majority of the people are thus not concerned with his / her election. We should hence, humbly admit that ours is not a practicing democracy. The loud mouths, mainly politicians give varying figures of population of Telangana from 3.50 crores to 4.50 crores. None is bothered to quote a correct figure. A genuine assessment and count of the people agitating and pouring out on to streets would hardly constitute a few lakhs. What about the SILENT MAJORITY . Just because they do not make noise, clamor for being shown on idiot boxes or willing to be herded as captive audience of managed meetings are they to be condemned and totally ignored of their existence. Failure of the system in force to accommodate the views of the SILENT MAJORITY is a blot on democracy.A few people making noises and articulating and being shown repeatedly over televisions by channel managers with no vision or values corrupting innocent and young minds, yet times resulting in self immolations etc. A fair and genuine attempt by any group of persons or committee consisting of persons of calibre such as the Srikrishna committee would do well to identify the root cause of the turmoil and uphold the dignity of SILENT MAJORITY who wish to live in peace and happiness in a TELUGUNAADU, existing State of ANDHRA PRADESH.
Chandrashekar on 26th Feb 2010, 2:45pm | Permalink
Why Telangana as Seperate State?
Just see the no.of chief ministers, ministers and their portfolios from telangana region. How the funds are distributed? Compare the infrastructure in telangana except hyderabad. In Andhra there are so many well developed cities. Where as in telangana there is nothing.
I am from Godavarikhani. Godavari river flows just 2 KM from my town. It's not summer, still we are facing water problem. We are getting drinking water for every 4 to 5 days. Imagine the situation in summer.

Telangana is neglected for many decades.
Please give us seperate telangana.
kommera on 25th Feb 2010, 10:19am | Permalink
i wannaa to telangana thats it and also dont accept these type of commites because every telangana people wants telangana not only city people and also rural peoples so we need TELANGANA and one thinkg we want to know people suggetions then you take telangana side people suggetions only if you take andra and rayalaseema people suggetions they tell we want united of andrapradesh because they want leadership againist telanga people finally telangan people become a slaver,
if u want to know their activities please enquire of government funds since 1969 in that how they much occured from all sides
my conclusion is we want TEALANGANA
Jai Telangana
Jai Jai Telangana
and also thankfull to who are hardwoking for Telangana,
kindly do the needfull
Ramesh Kumar on 23rd Feb 2010, 4:56pm | Permalink
The committee must take into account the views of both sides, otherwise how do we know the opinion of the majority for or against Telangana? What we hear and see on the TV is highly prejudicial and biased. There can't be two opinions on this. Therefore, the committee must hear both sides and make its own recommendations, whether or not either party likes it. Hyderabad is what it is today because of the selfless, tireless efforts of the successive governments, particularly Chandra Babu Naidu and YS Rajasekhara Reddy. While Babu must be given credit for the city facelift and huge IT companies coming and establishing their offices in Hyderabad, Rajasekhara Reddy must be given credit for rapidly creating infrastructure facilities essential for expansion of the industries. Dr. Channa Reddy laid the first seed for Firm Industry to develop. It was the forethought of Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao that was responsible for the united, joint effort of Andhras and Telanganites to develop the city as a cosmopolitan city that it is today. Except Chandra Babu Naidu, all others are not amidst us today; yet we remember them for the good work they had done. Similarly, the present leaders also must go down in history as great people who contributed to the development of Hyderabad City in particular as an international city to be cited alongside Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, New York, Tokyo, etc., etc. How can anybody think of being responsible today for demolishing such a coveted honour to the city? Assuming, not admitting, that everything necessary to build a new city would be provided, how much precious time it would take for the new city to come up to the level of Hyderabad of TODAY? Is it rational thinking?
The leaders who brought us freedom never thought of themselves while fighting the British! They thought of India people who would be benefited by their sacrifices! Though I don’t expect the present generation to be so great, yet I do expect them to be remembered for contributing their mite to help the city remain cosmopolitan, with mutual faith and confidence, spirit of reciprocity and commonweal all pervading!
I request Sri Krishna to take my views also into consideration.
A Senior Citizen
Abshu on 23rd Feb 2010, 11:09am | Permalink
I am a hyderabadi and I feel that polls should be held to know whether people want telangana or not. It may cost money but it may not be more than the loss of money caused by bandhs, loss to public or pvt. property, loss of education, etc. Political leaders views should not be taken as if they are the views of all telanganites. Pls give voice to each and every individual by taking surveys by going to each and everybody house if permanent solution is really needed. Let Sri Krishna comm work so that the truths will come out and if unjustice is done to telangana we will fight for it and fighting against the comm will give the doubt that the allegations made against Andhra people are wrong. so let the Sri Krishna comm do its work.
kumarg.sree on 22nd Feb 2010, 8:55pm | Permalink
Here I have a great confusion in mind that How every one post their issues through the procedures that have suggested by Our committee. Many of our people are illiterate and how they can use their right express. Those who have a large network can post thousands of E-mails, post cards and other means.
So I prefer to conduct a survey directly by appearing the people of AP or conduct voting(support/against) as like our normal elections. I know it involves huge amounts of money and also greater risk but it gives a permanent solution to the State.

I strongly object the words of some people who are posting their own feelings as it is the opinion of whole AP people. I can say one example that Telangana issue is running by political parties. If so why people are killing themselves for Telangana. They are no forced to death by Telangana Politicians.There is no such like deaths for United AP. So every one knows that United AP concept is running by Politicians and please note that Lacs of Seemandhra people support for Separate state.
c vara prasad on 22nd Feb 2010, 4:45pm | Permalink
the committee and it s members first of all should realise that the present telangana agitation is a political agitation and not people's agitation. the same was revealed by prof. kodandaram about a week back. also it is true that no person individually feels for a divided andhra pradesh. instead i suggest to find a way out for the pending issues which are leading to backwardsness in telangana region. as such in India some part is under developed one way or the other. in which case we cannot call for separation of that region from that state.
Mohan T R R on 20th Feb 2010, 12:28pm | Permalink
I am a senior citizen who is eager to express my views on various terms set out for Srikrishna committee. However it may be difficult for the secretary to attend to all individuals and suggest the elected representative of the legislative assembly to compile and submit to the SRIKRISHNA COMMITTEE. I request Sri.Marri Sasidhar reddy of my constituency to indicate his email id to initiate the process with his voters.
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